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Mechanics of Materials

FEA Analysis with ANSYS

November 2014

This was a project for my Mechanics of Materials university course. The main objective was to learn how to use the tools of SolidWorks and ANSYS needed to carry out strength analysis of parts.


In this case, we evaluated the stress caused by physical loads such as several types of forces. The response of the structure was evaluated in terms of strain. This is extremely useful because it would help predict the product’s performance once in service.

A part with a specific geometry and physical loads was given, and I  did all the theoretical and computational calculations needed to evaluate the stress of the part, and compared them, taking into consideration the experimental error involved.


Several calculations were done, such as:

-Yield strength, based on several strenght criteria like Von Mises and Tresca.

-Maximum load that could be applied to the part without failing due to yielding, alternating fatigue or pulsating fatigue.

-Maximum pulsating and alternating load so the part has a 250.000 cycles life.


María Alejandra Jaspe Mechanical Engineering´s Portfolio. Created with

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